Sunday, August 7, 2011

A couple converstations with Jonah.....

I am long overdue for an update on this blog. It's not that I haven't had material for a post, it's just that I have been lazy.... it really boils down to just that. As most of you know, I am expecting baby #2. I have been quite sick this pregnancy and due to that I have done a lot of napping during Jonah's naps rather than doing things like updating my blog. Well, I am finally feeling somewhat better, so hopefully I am going to be back to updating a little more often.

Jonah is always making me smile. 2 years old is such a great age. I have said that about every age with him, but the thing about Jonah being 2 is that he has been able to carry on some conversations with us. It is so cute and sometimes he says the most unexpected things and you are just thinking... where in the world did he come up with that?!? I thought I'd document a few of my recent conversations on here for you all to enjoy....

We were visiting Mark's family in Kentucky. Mark's parents are living in Wilmore, Kentucky right now, which is where Asbury College is. Mark and I both went to Asbury College, that is actually where we met... where it all began :) Anyways, one day we were all in Mark's parents van and we were driving by the front of the Asbury campus. I was pointing to the campus and telling Jonah, this is where Mommy and Daddy went to school. He was looking out the window at the buildings and the view of the front lawn of the school. He sat there quietly a minute and then he said "You wear you backpacks?" To which I smiled and replied, yes, we did wear backpacks. He then said, "Did you read you books?" To which I also replied yes... It was just so cute to see his little mind work and then formulate questions that focused on his idea of what school is all about. SO precious.

Me, directing a complaint to Mark, "My back is hurting tonight".... Jonah quickly chimes in and says "I'll rub your back Mommy!" He hops up and comes over to the couch to "rub" my back. Such sweet love for his Mommy.

After Jonah woke up from his nap one day, he came and sat beside me on the couch. He snuggled up right beside me and kind of laid his head against me. He looked up at me and said, "You my best friend, Mommy." If that didn't melt my heart.....

Last week I had to take Jonah to a back up day care program that Mark's work provides. Our usual babysitter is on vacation for a couple of weeks, so I utilized this benefit. Jonah refers to this daycare program as "school" He has been there a hand full of times and for the most part I think he enjoys going. (And yes, He insists on wearing a back pack when he goes to his 'school'). We were riding in a taxi that morning to drop him off and this is the conversation he and I had...
Jonah, "Where we going Mommy?" Me, "Well, I am taking you to your school and then I have to go to work". He sat there a minute or so thinking about what I had said, looking out the window of the taxi. Then he lit up and said, "No Mommy, I go to work!!!" I said, "oh really? where do you work?" Jonah replied, "New York City." I then said, "What is it you do for work in New York City?" Without hesitation Jonah said, "I work at Knapford Station, I drive Thomas!"
(For those of you that aren't familiar with Thomas the tank engine, this is a cartoon/character that Jonah loves. He has several of the little trains and is always playing with them. He also watches the cartoon of Thomas from time to time on the TV and has a couple of the DVD's. Knapford station is the home station of Thomas.) I couldn't believe that he came up with this whole scenario. It was adorable really. He was grinning from ear to ear when he told me that he worked at Knapford station and drove Thomas. I wish I could capture that precious moment and relive it over and over again. There was something so sweet about him in that moment, although I can't exactly put my finger on what it was.

Jonah is such a joy. He brightens my every moment.

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