season! GO BIG BLUE!
Well, its been awhile since I posted on here, so I thought it was about time I do so!
What has been going on in our lives?..... well, let's see.
Jonah is growing and learning everyday. We are truly blessed by him! He is just so much fun. He turned 8 months yesterday, which is hard to believe. Time is flying and we are loving every minute of it.
Two weekends ago, Mark's parents came for a visit. We had a great time showing them around our 'neighborhood'. Jonah loved getting to spend time with his grandparents. We even got to go in their car outside of the city, so that was a special treat.
Grandma reading Jonah a book
Last weekend we went on a retreat with our church to the Poconos Mountains. It was a nice time of relaxation and renewal. We were out in the wilderness, which was great. I am realizing that I love the wilderness more and more!
way back from the retreat.

Baby food using the baby cube method

On a day to day basis, Jonah and I hang out around our apartment. We got to my exercise class 'Strolla Momma's' which is great! We go to the park across the street where Jonah enjoys swinging. We also go to the library which is literally right next to our apartment... so that is very convenient!
While Jonah naps, I usually check my email, get some notes done for work, tidy up the apartment and make preparations for dinner. And oh-- I often make baby food for Jonah. This is something I have been doing for him for several months now. I have made all of his baby food from fresh fruits and veggies. I really enjoy it and its not as hard as it sounds! I have made sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, Lima beans, peas, bananas, apples, pears, nectarines, plums, peaches, mango, cantaloupe, and I once even made rice cereal. (He didn't really like the rice cereal though :( I will post a few pictures of the baby food I have made him so you can have an idea of what I am doing. Jonah also eats yogurt and cottage cheese, which I do not make, just buy... he especially loves the yogurt! I've given him tiny pieces of my chicken, which he also really liked. He is also eating the puffs that are made for babies and dissolve in their mouth. He likes those alot too!
I will also post a couple of recent pictures of Jonah. His hair is getting long and growing down over his ears, so we might be getting it trimmed, just around his ears, soon. Don't worry I'll post pics of that if we get it done. :)
Jonah's crazy hair after his nap :)
He looks like he's ready to play, doesn't he!?
He looks like he's ready to play, doesn't he!?
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